There are many reasons you might decide to sell your home and move on a time crunch. Maybe you’re having a new baby and need to upgrade space quickly. Perhaps you’ve been promoted and need to move to a new city. Regardless of why you want to sell your house as soon as possible, using these tips may help.

1. Work With Experienced Realtors

Working with an experienced realtor who has sold homes in neighborhoods like yours before is essential. Realtors like the ones who work at Astra Realty know all the best ways to stage your home, sell it at a good price, and have you on your way to your new home in as little time as possible. If you aren’t sure where to begin, try asking family and friends which realtors they’ve used.

2. Deep Clean Your Home

Deep-clean your entire house before taking pictures, creating video tours, or hosting an open house. It’s harder for people to picture themselves in a home when it isn’t presentable. Clear your countertops of small appliances, ensure the corners of each room are free of dust and dirt, and organize your closets. It’s also important to remove scuffs from walls, doors, and baseboards. Don’t forget to clean the basement and garage as well.

3. Set a Competitive Price

If your home is priced too high, it will take longer to sell. Set a competitive price by researching the prices that homes in your neighborhood sold for recently. Then, divide the price by the number of square feet in the home to get an average price per square foot. Charge a bit more if your home has features others want, such as a pool. Charge a bit less if work needs to be done, such as new pipes. Keep in mind that if you underprice your home a bit, it will show up in more searches and may attract multiple people who will bid up the price. 

4. Stage Your Home and Prepare Pictures and Videos

The National Association of Realtors states that the kitchen, living room, and master bedroom are most important to buyers. At a minimum, you should stage these areas by removing appliances, putting away family photos and decor, removing children’s artwork, and putting away any religious or political items. Once staged, hire someone to take professional photos and a guided video tour of your home. You can Google “sell my home” for more staging ideas. 

Selling your home quickly is often an overwhelming process. You can make it easier on yourself by hiring a professional realtor to help you stage your home, get it on the market, and get you into your new home as soon as possible. 

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